How we get 100-300 customers per day and convert them into 5,000+ high ticket clients using an
automated process that allows you to acquire customers for free

On Facebook, Google, And YouTube While At The Same Time Ascending Those Customers
Into Becoming High-Ticket Clients Through The Awareness Bridge

what is automatic clients?

Automatic Clients is a counterintuitive approach to selling high -ticket coaching and consulting programs.

We create low price high value products and services which allow us to acquire customers at break even (free) and then we ascend those customers into becoming high-ticket clients.

This is done through the ascension framework which uses the awareness bridge to turn low-dollar customers into $5,000+ high-ticket clients within 7 days of a sale on average.



Only $27.00

Download The eBook For $327 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

automatic clients is a shortcut

Before we created the Automatic Clients model – we were using webinars and other methods to acquire high-ticket clients, and eventually those methods stopped working due to the economics not backing out.

So we decided to find a better way.

After spending $388,000 testing the Automatic Clients model, we were able to generate 7-figures from selling a book.

The Automatic Clients model allows you to acquire customers free of charge by selling low priced yet high value products and services…

…While at the same time ascending a good portion of those low ticket buyers into becoming high-ticket clients.

See below to learn how it works in detail, but here’s a snapshot of how it works:

Here’s What This Means For You and your business...

Every business is built on one thing and one thing only – it’s ability to generate revenue…

…And revenue is largely based on the ability to get customers.

Generating customers is also the #1 expense a business will incur in it’s quest for growth….

…That’s why we developed the Automatic Clients model to allow you to generate customers for free (while breaking even)…

…And in turn turn those customers into high-paying clients.

How far you scale is up to you.

here is everything included:



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ÁR: 4.490 FT - BÓNUSZ


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Download The eBook For $327 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Only $27.00

Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this book so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this book.

Ez a címsor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ez a címsor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ez a címsor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Here's EVerything you're
getting  For Only $27.00 Today

„The AC Model Allowed Me To Scale My Business Beyond 7-Figures. Thanks Automatic Clients!”

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

340 Page AC Book

(Digitális PDF)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

ÁR: 6.490 FT - 2.490 FT

Your Purchase Is Backed By Our 
Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

I know that before I get into anything… I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee. 

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase. 

And even though it’s only $27.00 – you worked for that money and it counts. 

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”… 

So here’s what I’ve arranged: 

Download the eBook, read it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there. 

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn. 

Then just shoot us an email at and request a refund within 30 days. 

We’ll refund you your $27.00 and let you keep the Automatic Clients book free of charge. 

How’s that for a money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

 Frequently Asked Questions

Need help? Email me at

Who is it for?

This is for anyone who wants to acquire more customers, automatically. Coaches, consultants, , agency owners, artists, professional service providers, influencers, information marketers, freelancers, content creators, and so on.

How is this different than other products?​

It works. We have a proven track record of not just utilizing this model for ourselves, but also for our private clients. The other thing our customers LOVE is that you don’t need a big testing budget to start generating customers. Since we’re selling inexpensive products we start getting customers even with a $10 - $50 advertising budget.

What is Ascension Framework?​

The Ascension Framework is a solution to the common problem of not being able to generate customers on demand. We are able to generate hundreds of new customers everyday by selling high-value low-dollar products (such as the one on this page) through advertising.

We instantly recuperate our advertising expenses but end up with a customer who now knows who we are and actually bought something from us. The next step is simply to continue bringing the value and convert some of those “

I want this, what exactly am I getting?​

You are getting a copy of the Automatic Clients ebook, available instantly. You are getting the highly praised 6+ hour Advanced Acquisition Theory course. You are getting our advanced Economics Calculator. You are getting our 2,854 Profitable Niches spreadsheet. You’re getting the 7-Day Fast Start video series, our best $200,000 Advertisement, access to our FB community, our 7-Figure Video Sales Letter script, and a 26-step Launch Checklist.

Do you offer more in depth help?​

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want us to help you implement everything.

Is there a guarantee?​

Yes, you get a 30 day “no questions asked” money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. We even let you keep the book.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
[insert earnings disclaimer]
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by AutomaticClients